I like the out come
bought a whole bunch a power tools for this one...giddy

Patasha and I were the frist to recive the award of exhibiting in the cage gallery where we got have a more proffesional display of our works. the links in our work are obiviou8s in that we both are pretty much odd balls(in agood way of course)in our departments. patasha who hails from visual communication decied to deal with the subject of the homless rather than do the mock up company that everyone else has done in vis com. our works speakl for themseleves(never saw that one comming did ya ..@__@)
As you have gathered by now my blogs tend to be image heavy..lol that is becuas I rather the images speak for themselves. pictures speak louder that words my friend.
This Girl can be great one day
Funny ..illustrator tending the front desk of the painting both
Had fun drawing her Portrait..needs more hair though ...
Pot...as in pottery... pots
Kadir "money god" martin
love seeing megan smile*breath taking* :D
ladies of jewelry enjoying some down time...lots of it :)